Board Performance Evaluation Policy

This Performance Evaluation Policy shall apply to all Board Members of the Cattaraugus County Economic Sustainability and Growth Corporation, Inc. (“CCESGC”).

Purpose and Scope

No less frequently than every other year, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of Cattaraugus County Economic Sustainability and Growth Corporation, Inc. (“CCESGC” or “Corporation”) will carry out an evaluation of its own performance. Board performance evaluation is designed to:

  1. review the pre-determined role of the Board and individual Directors as set out in the Company’s Board Charter;
  2. assess how well directors are discharging their responsibilities; collectively by assessing the Board’s effectiveness; and individually by assessing the quality of a Director’s contribution to general discussions, business proposals and governance responsibilities;
  3. assess the performance of directors in discharging their responsibilities by collectively assessing the Board’s effectiveness and by individually assessing the quality of a Director’s contribution to general discussions, business proposals and governance responsibilities;
  4. regularly evaluate the Directors’ confidence in the integrity of the company, the quality of the discussions at Board meetings, the credibility of the reports and information they receive, the level of interpersonal cohesion between Board members and the degree of Board knowledge; and
  5. enable Board members, individually and collectively, to develop the key skills required to meet foreseeable requirements with timely preparation, agreed strategies and appropriate development goals.

Procedure for Board Performance Evaluation

The Chairperson will meet with each director separately seeking input in relation to:

  1. the performance of the Board;
  2. the performance of each Board Committee;
  3. the performance of the Chairman; and
  4. his/her own performance.

Performance should be assessed quantitatively (and qualitatively, as appropriate) against criteria contained in the Board Charter, strategic plans and/or the position description.

The Chairman will collate the input and provide an overview report for discussion by the Board.

The Board as a whole will discuss and analyze its own performance during the year including suggestions for change or improvement, as well as any skills, education or development required over the forthcoming year.

Procedure for Board Performance Evaluation of Managing Director and Key Executives

This policy is to ensure the execution of the Corporation’s strategy through the efficient and effective implementation of the business objectives.  In order to accomplish this:

  1. Each year the Board reviews the Corporation’s strategy.
  2. Following such a review the Board sets the organization performance objectives based on qualitative and quantitative measures.
  3. These objectives are reviewed periodically to ensure they remain consistent with the Company’s priorities.
  4. Performance against these objectives is reviewed annually by the Board.

External Consultants

The Board may engage independent external consultants periodically to provide advice and assistance in the evaluation process.



Adopted:  April 18, 2018